Saturday, 23 November 2013

A Change of Name - What do you Think?

I've been thinking about changing the name of my blog.  I'm not worried about losing readers, as I certainly don't have many, and intend to make it clear where I can be found in the future.  While it was coming up with the name that finally got me to sit down and start posting, it hasn't really stood the test of time for me, its too long and not very evocative.

I'm considering
  • The Hare and the Tortoise (although this very nice blog exists already)
  • The Snails Pace
  • A Snails Pace of Life
  • It's a Snails Life
  • The Snail and the Tortoise
As you can see I've got a bit of a snail thing going on, the underdog of the cute crafting movement. 

I don't usually invite comments in my posts, due to my low readership and not wanting to watch the tumbleweed roll by the comments section.  But here goes..... Any thoughts on the name change?

Space Station Costume

The school's book week always fills me with a mix of fear and ambition.  Particularly so this year as my son was still mentally scarred by the supposed Harry Potter costume I threw together in two minutes for the school disco.  It's rubbish-ness did not escape the attention of the other kids there.

I love that my kids think outside the box for costumes, not stopping to consider whether their ideas might be humanly possible. For the first time this year the book parade had a theme, Space.  Despite the fact I don't think this theme has much to do with books, or lends itself to costumes brilliantly, we rose to the challenge.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Weighted Vest - Hopefully the Ugliest Thing I Ever Make

A year or so ago a wonderful teaching assistant at my son's school recommended I make a weighted vest to help him settle in class.  They are known to calm kids with autism spectrum, sensory processing, attention and anxiety disorders.  They work upon the same principle as feeling cosy under a thick blanket, I know I do, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.

I watched Temple Grandin the other night and it seems the idea initially came from her being hugely calmed by some sort of cow squeezing machine, I don't know what it is, I'm a city girl.  Temple Grandin has been a pretty revolutionary force in the understanding and treatment of people with autism spectrum disorders.  As I google this I realise there are machines on the market for humans that do the same job, but a vest seems a lot more practical for a mainstream classroom.