Saturday, 23 November 2013

A Change of Name - What do you Think?

I've been thinking about changing the name of my blog.  I'm not worried about losing readers, as I certainly don't have many, and intend to make it clear where I can be found in the future.  While it was coming up with the name that finally got me to sit down and start posting, it hasn't really stood the test of time for me, its too long and not very evocative.

I'm considering
  • The Hare and the Tortoise (although this very nice blog exists already)
  • The Snails Pace
  • A Snails Pace of Life
  • It's a Snails Life
  • The Snail and the Tortoise
As you can see I've got a bit of a snail thing going on, the underdog of the cute crafting movement. 

I don't usually invite comments in my posts, due to my low readership and not wanting to watch the tumbleweed roll by the comments section.  But here goes..... Any thoughts on the name change?


  1. I like The Slowest Fashion in the World! It's a fun play on "fast fashion" :) But... Hm. I always liked the Hare and the Tortoise story too, so that one is quite good :)

    You did make me think of The Mollusk

  2. Okay, you've convinced me I'll keep the name, I do quite like it too. The snail-inspired list doesn't look quite so hot on reflection. Unlike Ween, always inspired.
