Friday, 12 April 2013

A clean slate

Last night I finished off the last of the jobs that have been jammed into my sewing cupboard for an embarrassingly long time.  It was one of those nights though that I managed to inject a little disaster into everything I did.

I cut some pointless flappy bits off a t-shirt I bought, they came out of the sleeves seems but hung down and tied in knots behind the elbow (weird).  Unfortunately though I cut big holes into the actual sleeves as I did it.  I knew this was likely to happen but apparently was too tired to modify my behaviour to stop it.  Now the top doesn't have the flappy bits, but it does have very shonkily sewn sleeves, it was either that or throw it out.

I bought a beautiful (I think oilcloth) tablecloth fabric for our deck table a long time ago, long before my youngest started school, and he's now in his second year.  It looked good but would take off with the slightest bit of wind.  I finally last night got round to sewing some corners into it, a job well done minus one broken needle.  It turns out you need different needles for chiffon and pvc, who'd have thought it?

My third job was to promote making outdoor cushions from a fixer-upper job to a proper project.  Meaning (a) my fixing jobs were done and (B) it might turn out alright.

Now I am delighted and thrilled with the cleanliness and orderliness of my sewing cupboard.  Granted, I'm the only one who saw it before, and it doesn't look that good, but you've got to get your thrills while you can in life.

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