Thursday, 28 March 2013

A Sewing Haitus - My First Excuse

My mum and dad have very kindly come to stay with us for a few weeks.  I had a feeling that this might slow my crafting activities, and so far have been proved very right.  Sadly my busy-ness this week hasn't even had much to do with the parent's visit, just the craziness, lows and highs of my own parenthood.

The most realistic way to get anything done would be to leave projects lying around the house and wait for my very industrious mum to pick them up and finish them far better than I ever could (hello Mum).  But that doesn't really seem in the spirit of things, does it?

In the meantime I'm plodding away with my granny squares, imagining each is capturing a little bit of the memory of where it was made, I have my swimming square, my karate square, my school assembly square, and many more.  I will also be re-doing the outer layer of all the squares (around 40, boo hoo!) which I just hadn't made square enough.  Something I am feeling surprisingly philosophical about, which is lucky.

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