Friday, 22 March 2013

Odds and Ends, Bits and Bobs

In the continued spirit of clearing out my to do pile, last night I got lots of very satisfying little jobs done.  And even more satisfyingly decided some jobs weren't worth doing.  I keep telling myself that I should have my bootleg jeans a sensible length so they don't fray at the heel, but I just can't bring myself to do it.  I'm not sure sensible length equals stylish length when it comes to trousers.  The problem is mostly solved by the bootleg being the current trouser cut that equals fashion suicide.

I did shorten the legs of a Darth Vader suit though as my son is less interested in such sartorial concerns.  I also fixed up a couple of second hand things, that reassured me that maybe my sewing skills weren't as bad as those in some sweatshops churning out clothes.  Although admittedly my conditions are obviously a bit (read lot) of an advantage over that of a sweatshop workers.

I've also been plodding away at my granny squares whenever I get the chance.  The yellow square in the picture is the first on which I tried a tip given to me by a customer where I work.  I found adding the extra chain stitch in the corner did make it much squarer.  I'm a bit worried now about what this means for the other 50 or so squares I've already done, but I think I'll file that away somewhere at the back of my mind.

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