Saturday, 9 March 2013

The Shire Vintage and Collectables Fair

I had an hour or so to myself this afternoon, and my latest excuse not to sew was The Shire Vintage and Collectables Show.  I love this kind of thing but usually feel too guilty to go, also I rarely get it so close to home.  My heart melted at Vanity sets like my Grandma used to have and Sindy wardrobe's like I used to have. I saw some beautiful things, but mostly it inspired me to pull out some of the things I've inherited that I already have tucked away.

My wedding ring hasn't fitted me for a while now.  I bought it while pregnant and had it reduced as I assumed I had fat pregnancy fingers, but it turns out they were my normal fingers and my wedding ring is hard to get on and off.  I tried to get it adjusted but the jeweller refused to touch is as it was too badly made for him, thanks very much Jeweller-man.  I thought I could look for a new wedding ring at the fair, but then I remembered I had my Great-Grandmother's engagement ring at home, which I had in mind when I bought my wedding ring.  So now it's my official wedding ring, I don't think it matters to swap them over, it's what it represents that counts.

I did buy a fantastic Australian's Woman's Journal from 1956, from Robin's Nest Vintage.  I got it in the hope of using some of the dress patterns inside, but I think this was optimistic, I doubt it has all the pattern pieces I need.  It's a great read none the less.

Its adverts appeal to similar concerns as you see in Women's Magazine's today

Shapewear anyone?

Or quick fix diets?

You don't see the Rhythm Method advertised much these days,  funny that.
And it's given me some bedtime reading, I'm loving the debonair hunk
I also got a scarf from Queen Justine Vintage which seems a shame now that I see the other amazing stuff they have, but it's what I wanted and what I got.  For the first time in 25 years I have hair too short to type back and it's the perfect solution.

Now let's see if I can get on with making something.

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